Poetic words are merely words unless they combine with the spirit of a man and the Spirit of God to form profound insights into the reality of humanity.
The words that have gracefully fallen upon the following pages have come from a deep place known by few. This deep place is where real life experiences, divine revelation and God’s unending mercy have collided to form a great man of integrity who has been pressed on every side but not crushed.
A man must be broken before the fragrant beauty of his spirit can spill out. The brokenness carried by this man has allowed him to be used in a mighty way by God. I have known Johnny for more than fifteen years. I have seen him grow into a man, take a beautiful wife, embrace many adventures and remain faithful to his Creator in the midst of great hardships. Johnny Walter has come to find strength, hope, love and peace in God alone.
I have found Johnny’s life to be a great inspiration, likewise, I have found great inspiration from these words and the heart of what is written. Reality and spirituality walk hand in hand. You will find yourself clothed in both as you read and embrace this work of the Spirit. May God open your eyes to see and your ears to hear His words. My prayer is that you, too, will experience the very heart of God as you taste the truth that resonates in these ‘Psalms of Peace’.
--- Johnnie Spivey
God’s strength and infinite love has allowed me to overcome many obstacles in my life. I was diagnosed at age 11 with a genetic disorder known as Friedreich’s Ataxia. FA is a neurological disorder that causes damage to the peripheral nerves, which carry signals from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and relay sensations to the brain and spinal cord from the rest of the body; damage to the cerebellum, a part of the brain that helps coordinate movements; damage to the heart (from MDA). Having this disease has caused much hardship in my life; but it has also brought an extraordinary Peace.
Struggles come to me daily. But thanks to the Peace, Grace and Mercy given freely by Jesus Christ, my Friend and God, I have always been able to overcome the obstacles.
After graduating college and marrying the love of my life, Bessie Carolyn, I started to realize that God has always had a plan for my life. I began studying the Scriptures and praying for God to take over.
So I have been submissive to His will. While volunteering as a minister to nursing home residents and working as a People Greeter at Wal-Mart I developed the outline for this poetry book in my heart. Meekly and humbly I compiled these writings.
All of the proceeds from this book will be donated to humanitarian aid organizations.
I Stay Positive
I shall remain joyous with You in my life
Most high is Your throne, O’ Lord
Powerful is my Lord; He is my source of strength
For mountains shall be moved by your Name
The strength of our Lord shall endure
Your strength will reign at the highest peak O’ King
Your grace brings me the joy I am seeking
The mercy that You have shown me is beyond words
Lord, thank you, now I can be happy forever and ever
I have a new life in You; I am Your servant
You are my Comfort; for You alone are my strength
All of my life, all of my Hope, all of my Joy is in You
I will follow You all of my days, O’ Lord
Eternal is my joy for You Almighty God.
II Smile Today
Look at yesterday’s tomorrow
and realize that it is now
So wear new clothes and a fresh smile
The sun will surely rise
Clouds can only block the sun’s brilliant rays
But they will have no impact this day
Because of the inner light I share
Packaged as a wavy line
That makes everything straight
When you seek you shall find
Peace of God that none can compare
There is no need to ponder and wait
For we always have a chance to pray
Smile now, smile today!
Smile now, smile today!
III Habitual Happiness
Find that place in your heart and mind
Return there often and you will findA life of overflowing joy and peace
The soft breeze of wind in my hair
A chance to sit back and enjoy God’s footstool
Because we are for Him to rule
Warm is the sun on my cheery face
Cool is the feel of your embrace
Now at this golden hour we can marvel
As I hear majestic sounds from where we can
Waves rolling to a crest then breaking on the sand
The red rocks glisten as the light begins to glide
Awesome to share this with you by my side
Like skipping rocks on the river as a little boy
We must learn to listen to nature’s graceful cry
Tides always break for happiness, peace and joy.
IV Be Worry Free
When trouble comes we must not fear
Freedom is precious and so dear
We are blessed with reigns of choice
A once brilliant blue sky fades dim
Peace interrupted by a gust of wind
The magnificent structure began to fall
The ground is broken and chaos takes all
Animals in the farmhouse are dead
A young man has a gash on his head
Amidst the rubble I hear a voice
She sings praises to God on high
When your world crashes and burns
There is only one name to call
Turn your worries over to Him
He is the beginning and the end
He is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
V Always try your best
Our hearts know that he is forever Great
With me You will always be, O Lord
There is a resounding joy in Your name
Mountains will bow down and seas will roar
All I have, the best I have is in You my God
Guide me to a life of righteousness; allow me to live for You alone
Lead me not into temptation but to victory over Evil
Let my best be good enough to be in Your holy presence
I give You my life, take it, restore it, make it Yours
at the bottom of the deepest trench I will reach for Your hand
I know you will be there.
I will call upon Your mighty name always
I will never forsake You
Teach me to rely on You as my fortress
You’re so fully perfect that I cannot imagine my life without You
when I fall You will be there to pick me up higher than before
I am set free by the glory of our Lord
In You I can do all things, and by faith can move mountains for Your glory shall reign
the enemy shall have no power over me, for I am filled by God
there is no room for evil, my life was made to glorify Him
Your awesome power keeps me doing my best in all I do
and I thank You for saving me!
My life is Yours O’ God -- and forever it will be.
VI Always
Bright colors of celebration are near
Turkey and her trimmings smell so good
Rain cannot dampen the atmosphere
Close to home and close to the heart
People come and go in front and rear
Kids grow fast and firm in this place
Feel the warmth of burning wood
The food on the table is ripe and ready
Being surrounded by love feels so sweet
During times of fear and joyous Grace
With arms wide open He will always be.
VII Wise Words
Behold there is a Victory to be won
Lush veggies fill my enormous plate
God’s garden will produce more than fresh greens
His work yields fruit beyond my dreams
He will supply us with words of wisdom
Speak encouragement and of what is great
Focus on the flourishing parts of growth
Please hold my tongue and thoughts
Keep them from all kinds of wicked
Rising up with boldness and Truth goes long
And fruits will abundantly grow this season
No matter what people do or say
Heart and mind working as one
To bring His peace to earth today
Just like His eternal kingdom in heaven.
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
VIII Remove Your Plank
Wood drifts down the bending stream
Its story began in a place far away
Quick to bring up the flaws of your neighbor
Dirt of their life is exposed for all to see
Vision blurs and fades into tomorrow
Like a desert storm blows around the sand
Take a look at yourself to be set free
Celebrate our peace in His everlasting love
We are triumphantly carried by Grace
Do not pass judgment while you remain guilty
For there is nothing left to borrow
The olive branch was brought by a dove
God will have the final say.
IX Reach Higher
The stars fill the sky with Your awesomeness
I lay my head down to sleep under Your watch,
There is no place that I would rather be than near You
I love You Lord -- and as I wake up to the sound of birds chirping
I am reminded of Your grace and mercy
The wonderful joys of nature that You made
Today is glorious and tomorrow is even better in the Lord
Your love is my key -- it unlocks the door that leads to my future
I once was lost but now I am found through Y Your grace and mercy
With You I am excited about my future
In Your presence an hour seems like a day
Help me to guard my heart and keep my focus on You
You are my God and I am Your servant
my Master and my Friend for You will always answer my heart
Your mercy reigns on the mighty Mountain
I want something more -- the Lord is full of splendor
but there is something missing -- it's evident
I have found the Way, I have found Life
He is more than I want, more than I need, and He is working in my life
and I pray that He will always be there with me -- and I know that He will
I love you Lord and I give my thanks to You
I live to glorify your name
You are Living Water I will not trade
The water that gives me eternal life flows from You
Yesterday and today You are still the same
Our Lord is the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free
I love You Lord, forever.
X Move On Up
When your dreams crash like thunder
You cry pain of deceit that will briefly last
Feeling as if you have been betrayed
Looking back brings nothing but wonder
A whirlwind of questions abound at once
With no chance to relax the horror will ring
I need to move on and put this in the past
Realize the clear path He has made
From the depths of my heart I forgive
His strong voice reassures I will fear nothing
I will stay on the narrow way
Everything I am is what I give
He is the One for whom I live.
XI Stretch to the Next Level
Walking on the jubilant sea takes faith
Just like Simon Peter was told
People will die without a touch of glory
Lost in time before your final wake
So love with all you have and let go
Of all things birthed from evil thoughts
Waves rise to cause a stumble but fall shy
It will definitely be a stretch we can make
I must extend fully in order to receive
The gifts which have been put here by Grace
Hard work will pay with victory where none will die
We can cross over to streets of gold
Melodic angels rejoice with a brilliant glow
No one is here to mourn or grieve
Where we find the King of Kings reigning on high.
XII Tomorrow is Brighter
The Lion of peace has risen over all
Overcoming evil with a single breath
Colorful breeds of every kind will agree
A safari in harmony takes control
The climb is tough up the majestic mount
I am completely covered by heat that makes me weak
Saved by a fresh spring of flowing water
There are many blessings to count
The ultimate height is within my grasp
Finally I witness the beauty of the peak
Admire such a moment of tranquil bliss
The Lion has saved us from eternal death
There can be nothing better than this.
XIII Turning Point
Love until there's no tomorrow
But there is a time for sorrow
There is so much pain that I feel
Like a homeless man with no meal
Chains of bondage that I loathe
Tied up with nowhere to go
There is so much to bear that I can't cope
Frustration that can burn and blaze
Surrounds me in these final days
The point in time is so holy
God has the answer for me
I must turn from my evil path
Wide and filled with wicked wrath
I am a clean and new creation
the Lord will point me in a new direction
He has all of my trust and all of my faith
I will serve Him with every last breath
I have found Life, I have found Hope.
XIV Victory Forever (with Stringed Instruments.)
Forever, forever, forever
You are my King
Forever, forever, forever
Lord of everything
Forever, forever, forever
Lay down your weapons that bring destruction
And put on the Armor of God
All that we can see
Forever, forever, forever
Eternal victory
Rejoice forever, forever, forever
Rejoice forever!
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9
XV Love Don't Falter
Your ways continue to singBeautiful hymns to our Mighty King
In your presence I love life
Even when we go through strife
You are a wonderful prize
To open up and realize
I need you more than words can say
Have Grace on me this day
Stronger than ever before
My love stands forever more.
XVI Trinity Sonnet 1
I will overcome the cold morning rain
Whatever must be done to pass the grade
there can be no time spent whining in pain
For we will not let the bright flower fade
Fresh air blows so that our garden can grow
fear has the power to make her feel sad
but on this day when her sweet dreams will flow
Good news will make her extremely glad
she has victory promised by the Word
God will rule over all with glorious might
now she can fly with her wings like a bird
Freedom will shine with magnificent light
The Lord has touched her with His awesome grace
He has all authority in this place
XVII Trinity Sonnet 2
From the lives of those we read about
we can make the difference of the age
when the very last generation will shout
flames from the all consuming fire will rage
There is not much time for the end is near
The Angels will rejoice with songs of praise
His peace leaves us with nothing more to fear
a future time beyond our distant gaze
He's known us since the beginning of time
knows how many grains of sand on the coast
He won't change even when we hit our prime
Of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
by Love and Grace He makes us want to sing
to the ruler my Lord, my God, my King
XVIII Trinity Sonnet 3
Shackled by the long chains of poverty
When it seems like there is nowhere to turn
Please stop and listen to my mercy plea
throwing flames that will continue to burn
The enemy takes aim straight for my head
I'm almost certain that my life will end
Right now as I fear my world will be dead
Yes I deserve judgment for I have sinned.
But the return of our Lord is so close
that day will be full of glory and fun
He is the Great King that I love the most
Alpha and Omega the Holy One.
Straight from the jaws of a malicious death
to the victory given by His breath.
Seven Words of Wisdom
‘Love by Grace to live in Peace.’
XIX Edify
We b our local assembly at its very feet
Your spirit shall be our guide in everything that we do and say
we lift our hands up to the throne most high
When a brother as any need we will find a way to meet
We bring glory to your name O' Lord
Glory to Your name!
XX Author of Peace
He is the way maker, the Prince of peace
Jesus is the way to our salvation from our transgressions
He has given us hope and joy for what is to come
He has always been the one for which we have of way
for He’s created man in his own image with uniqueness
you can accomplish the most minor and major feats
Beyond our most amazing thoughts and dreams
XXI Remembrance
That day that I met Him will never be lost
that day that I was moved by the Truth
That day when I became born again
now I can see even more then ever before
as the sun rises in the east each day will begin
each day lived without trembling or fear of death
Today we remember His atoning work on the cross.
“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;” Ephesians 2:14
XXII Seven Cities
A city upon a hill shall forever stand the test
the city that cries out to God with a triumphant glow
that one's city where the people lived by the word
shouting out to glorify the righteous King most high
cities that are known by God and made by what is heard
the seven great cities will continue to grow
And with the strength of God they will be the best.
XXIII Knowledge of Truth
What is known by humanity cannot even compare
Your word is our guide to everything true
Knowledge is so easy to obtain by grace
for without you we can all know anything at all
you are the source of everything that we embrace
Open up my soul and make my life new
I will rest on that which You have so kindly shared.
XXIV One Perfect Offering
The gift of freedom has been given to us
we can give every last dollar we have to do good
God has made the ultimate sacrifice of Himself
Jesus has laid the perfect Cornerstone
it will not be paid by any amount of wealth
His blood was shed on a piece of wood
With Him I will firmly place all of my trust.
XXV Seeing Beyond
It is possible to overcome every obstacle we face
in the distance a bright light begins to flicker
at His command the blind man will see again
our galaxy stretches out in the vastness of space
returning through the majestic gates of Heaven
on golden streets lit up with an amazing glitter
Eternal love given by His unfailing grace.
XXVI Trependipitous
Look around and you will see
all that was made for you and me
perfected by His majestic hands
You must observe this sacred glory
I fail to understand why you do not
You are able to jump high in the sky
so much further than I
If you would just try.
XXVII Tranquility
Foundation lies upon the Cornerstone
For He is the rock of my salvation
Stand tall and firm as you bask in the zone
Stability in His Master Garden
pondering the vast city streets
Powerful is Your press against the wind
I ask that you will most gracefully send
Your power and all of Your ability
Thank you for Your Awesome peace.
XXVIII Merciful Skies
Good God of mercy I cry out to Thee
I lift my hands unto you Holy One
I give you my heart for eternity
Amazing is the work that you have done
Mercy shown to us by the Son of God
riding through the clouds on a lightning rod
The sun and moon shall rise and fall daily
all of God's children can look up and see
We shall live under the roof of Heaven
He said to rise up and follow His path
I ask why should the innocent suffer
For He is al-knowing and I am not
Wonderful are the ways of our Master
For it is written that He shall one day return
When the Eastern skies open in Glory
“When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Proverbs 16:7
XXIX Abundance
All Grace and Peacefulness flow through Him
He has opened the eyes of the blind man
the water comes from Heaven to your lips
Purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit
brought to life by the righteous Savior
Now I shall sing to the Lord a new song
Behold the golden crown rules forever
Fill my cup with your love and great joy
we must love one another as we are commanded
Praise the Lord who gives us favor
Always remain in obedience to Him
Love is to overflow like water in a flood
Christ has shown abundant love for humanity
Drink of the cup for it is already filled
a servant will be the one of authority
Give thanks to the Lord -- Hosanna in the highest!
XXX Like a Dove
When He comes down upon us like a dove
we will be restored and made whole
we shall do our best to preserve peace at all times
May the peace of the Lord rest on our hands
let us serve our neighbors with joy in every circumstance
His spirit will watch over and comfort us
His peace will resonate with sudden calm
and capture the essence of the still waters
Blessed are those who make peace
the dove returns with a message
they will be called God's children
For the rest of my days I will follow the Prince of peace
Forever Amen.
XXI Mercy in Abundance
Your ways are good and always without flaw
Lord You are gracious and merciful beyond compare
Master Your anger is so very hard to draw
to challenge the elements I think I will dare
with Your love so strong and gripping me tight
it is in Your nature to have mercy tonight
the children are Yours and they will receive
joyous freedom when they are met in heaven
For Your love is great and Your mercy is abundant
XXXII River of Life
There is a high spring from where the water flows
down to the crowded city of millions
the water source is rich and full of life
so much water that when the wind blows
it reaches across the border to all nations
like this we must love one another
in the same way Christ loves us prime
from our love for one another goodness and mercy
shall follow with us until the end of time.
XXXIII Peace is Coming
Get ready
Be ready
He was
and is
and is to come
Be ready
Peace is coming
Get ready
Today or tomorrow
We will win
Jesus Christ is coming back again.
XXXIV Starter
Begin your new life right now
Open up your heart to allow
Do what needs to be done
when it needs to be done
the best that can be done
procrastination leads to nothingTime will quickly close the doorTomorrow may never come
Trust today and forevermore.
XXXV Helmet of Salvation
I am thankful for my Protector's Mercy
beautiful is my helmet adorned with jewels
it's unfading power will keep me from all attacks
that the enemy will attempt to overwhelm me
God has given me this helmet of salvation
It shall keep me safe in the midst of God
The power of Jesus will forever rule.
XXXVI Race to the Prize
Adorned in bright colors
Precious is our time
All of our human powers
Fail before their prime
once we are close to the goal
and can see the finish line
wink and we will know
how much further we must go
To reach beyond tomorrow
and obtain the awesome glow
before our prize we must show
that we can love others
without judging them at once
and just letting it bounce
With salvation in your grasp
Do not give up if you are wise
Thank you Jesus for this day
And for helping us reach the prize.
XXXVII Peace of Mind
Our King enters riding on a donkey
He has given us Hope in Jesus
He's a gracious and loving God
slow to anger with strength so Holy
all of my worries and all of my pain
He has taken upon His back
I will be joyful by Grace hath
I will do my best to follow in His path
the most perfect Prince of Peace
His way is the way
my life is His alone
I will alwayds pray
His will be done.
I approach the altar in amazement
She sings with a harp for our worthy Lord
In humility my knees will be bent
Righteous and Mighty King beyond the shore
We journeyed a yonder amidst delight
Solid ground without a single sickness
With seven candlesticks shining so bright
Boldly floating strength builds up my fitness
She took me over the bustling city
Where they shall always thrive in abundance
Like climbing up on the Sycamore tree
We saw a White Horse off in the distance
Now we enter the Temple rejoicing
We've left behind absolutely nothing.
Entering through to the Highest Throne
with eyes of fire and His hair pearly white
Awesome is the Holy One
He spake a sword for our sight
And open forth the seven seals
I shall bless the last
Those that keep me first
Then came an angel ascending in the East
With a message of utter joy and peace
Which was followed by a majestic feast
Thanks be given to our Host with many crowns
The King of Kings and Lord off Lords the Holy Lamb
His cup overflows like a river of living water
Surely goodness and nercy shall follow
By Grace from our Savior Jesus Christ
Truth has written my name in the Book of Life
It is finished.
I hope that you have enjoyed Psalms of Peace :-) Now I am very excited to invite you to experience the ultimate peace of knowing God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Let's pray together-
“Father in Heaven, I know that I am a sinner. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”
If you decided to repent of your sins and receive Christ today, welcome to God's family. Now, as a way to grow closer to Him, the Bible tells us to follow up on our commitment.
- Get baptized as commanded by Christ.
- Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ.
- Spend time with God each day. It does not have to be a long period of time. Just develop the daily habit of praying to Him and reading His Word. Ask God to increase your faith and your understanding of the Bible.
- Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Develop a group of believing friends to answer your questions and support you.
- Find a local church where you can worship God.
I hope to see you someday in Heaven!
There are 420 times that ‘peace’ is mentioned in the Bible, 26 are in the book of Psalms. See list below:
There are 420 times that ‘peace’ is mentioned in the Bible, 26 are in the book of Psalms. See list below:
Psalm 4:8
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.
Psalm 7:4
If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:)
Psalm 28:3
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.
Psalm 29:11
The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 34:14
Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
Psalm 35:20
For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.
Psalm 37:11
But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Psalm 37:37
Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.
Psalm 39:2
I was dumb with silence, I held my peace, even from good; and my sorrow was stirred.
Psalm 39:12
Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
Psalm 55:18
He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.
Psalm 55:20
He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him: he hath broken his covenant.
Psalm 72:3
The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.
Psalm 72:7
In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.
Psalm 83:1
Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
Psalm 85:8
I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.
Psalm 85:10
Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Psalm 109:1
Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
Psalm 119:165
Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
Psalm 120:6
My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.
Psalm 120:7
I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.
Psalm 122:6
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Psalm 122:7
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
Psalm 122:8
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
Psalm 125:5
As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.
Psalm 128:6
Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel.
Psalm 147:14
He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.
All scriptures in this book are from the King James Version.